Hi students, your oral exam is going to take place in room D11 at 8:30.
The written exam will take place in our usual classroom, B11.
Professor Lourdes Barría is in charge of your exams.
Good luck.
miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013
jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013
Short survey
Hi every one!
There is a short survey on our plataforma and we need you to answer some questions.
It shouldn't take more tan five or six minutes.
http://www.lapetus.uchile. cl/japeto/interior.php?id=105
Thanks for helping us.
There is a short survey on our plataforma and we need you to answer some questions.
It shouldn't take more tan five or six minutes.
Thanks for helping us.
miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013
How green are you?
- Where do people learn
about enviromentally friendly practices?
- Have you incorporated recycling into your habits? Describe
- Do you use a bike or your legs instead of a car?
- Have you joined or supported any eco-organisations? Why/Why not?
- What else have you done /would you like to do?
- What's missing in our society/Santiago regarding this issue?
People in Chile are not really familiar with recycling or taking care of the environment. Schools do not have programs related to environmental issues and subjects do not deal with those problems in deep.
There are specific programs in higher education that are completely related to these matters but regular syllabus at school or university do not include environmentally friendly practices. It is up to the teacher/professor if they want to include activities that can show students how to be friendly to our planet.
In my personal case, I try to recycle by organizing the waste I produce every day by dividing it into paper, plastic and organic waste. The problem is that the garbage truck puts everything in the same bucket. That’s a shame.
Another thing I do is to use my bike regularly. Apart from helping the environment, it helps my health and my mood. I feel happy every time I ride my bike. It makes me feel like the wind.
Anyhow, I feel that my contribution is too little for this world full of problems but it’s something, at least.
- Have you incorporated recycling into your habits? Describe
- Do you use a bike or your legs instead of a car?
- Have you joined or supported any eco-organisations? Why/Why not?
- What else have you done /would you like to do?
- What's missing in our society/Santiago regarding this issue?
People in Chile are not really familiar with recycling or taking care of the environment. Schools do not have programs related to environmental issues and subjects do not deal with those problems in deep.
There are specific programs in higher education that are completely related to these matters but regular syllabus at school or university do not include environmentally friendly practices. It is up to the teacher/professor if they want to include activities that can show students how to be friendly to our planet.
In my personal case, I try to recycle by organizing the waste I produce every day by dividing it into paper, plastic and organic waste. The problem is that the garbage truck puts everything in the same bucket. That’s a shame.
Another thing I do is to use my bike regularly. Apart from helping the environment, it helps my health and my mood. I feel happy every time I ride my bike. It makes me feel like the wind.
Anyhow, I feel that my contribution is too little for this world full of problems but it’s something, at least.
miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013
The perfect song
Hi students:
Today I'm going to refer to what I consider a perfect song. The song is actually called "Perfect day". It was written by New Yorker Lou Reed and it is very well know because it was used in the movie Trainspotting in the 90’s but it was originally written and published in 1973.
I like this song because its lyrics are simple and talk about things anybody could do in a given day, like feeding animals in the zoo, drinking sangria in a park or simply watching a movie and then go home.
Anyhow, such ideas are simple and effective because the lyrics refer to a perfect day shared by two people who get along well and the main character of the story is glad (happy) that he could spend such perfect day with the other person.
However, the line that I like most in the song goes like this: “you made me forget myself. I thought I was someone else, someone good”. I find this idea overwhelming because sometimes I feel like that when I’m surrounded by the right people.
Some years ago I had a perfect day with a girl I used to love a lot. We didn’t have a relationship. We were not girlfriend and boyfriend, but we loved each other and we had only ONE day to spend time together for the last time.
We were living in Sydney, Australia, and she had to go back to her country (Switzerland) and we spend a entire day in the city, walking around, eating chips and drinking iced tea and latte. We took a ferry (boat) and walked along a beautiful beach, then we saw the sunset on the ferry back to the city. After that, we ate at a restaurant where we had to share the table with a group of retired couples and we finally went to a bar where we drank our last beer and said goodbye.
I felt like someone good. Perfect feeling with the right person. Simply, a perfect day.
jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013
Dear students, here are the instructions for your second video talk:
Video 2:
Record a for
2 minute mobile phone video presentation*
about a journey you would like to make
Where you
would like to go,
Who you
would go with,
What you
would do there,
Why you
would like to make this journey.
anything else you think is important.
You should send this video to my e-mail account: lucasaraya@gmail.com or bring it to the class in a flashdrive and I'll copy it in my computer.
miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013
A video clip that I like
Today I'm going to speak about a video clip that I like. It's a video by an American band called Kiss and the song is called "Love 'em, leave 'em".
I saw this video for the first time when I was 12 years old and it blew my mind. It was the first time I saw this band wearing make up and their fancy outfits.
I had never seen anything like that before. For me, video clips were only about bands or solo artists singing a song while different images and pictures appeared on the screen. That was all, but this video was a blast!
The only
video clips I liked at that time were Michael Jackson’s Thriller and Smooth Criminal
but “Love ‘em, leave ‘em” changed things forever.
It is simple but powerful.
I became a real Kiss fan instantly. I mean, Gene and Paul playing, singing and moving around was one thing. Watching the Cat-man playing the drums was amazing, but... watching Ace Frehley playing his guitar while fire and smoke came out of it was the real thing. When I saw Space Ace doing his thing with the guitar I thought "I want to do that!!!!". That's why I like this video so much, because it was my introduction to one of my favorite bands.
I've been a Kiss fan ever since that moment and I watch this video from time to time (at least once a month) and I have a Kiss record collection I usually listen to when I want to cheer up and have a bit of fun.
I even wore Kiss make up at a party!!!
jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013
Career-realted article
Google maps: not perfect just useful
Google has announced that they are going through a period of overhaul on its maps app since other companies maps have been published with outrageous mistakes (some cities ahve been placed in the wrong spot and specific locations have been erased or ignored).
Amit Singhal, Google's vice-president has claimed that the new map "is foundational to delivering exactly what you want, when you want, and where you want it."
One important idea in the new map App is that Google's maps can hel people find places based on a geographical approach instead of using alphabetical names or quests.
Historically, map makers have promised that their maps are the best and most specific maps ever, however maps carry the view of the society in which it is created since they are made based on the beliefs and prejudices of their makers.
Examples of such maps can be found in history depending on the country, culture and the own perception of a nation the map makers have.
Perfection in maps is difficult to find since the concept of being "perfect" can vary but one important aspect is that maps should be useful and help people find what they need and find themselves in the world and this is Google's objective, creating a map that can maximize people´s time on the net.
However, when we talk about internet maps we must remember we are in a commercial concept since most people search for places in a world surrounded by ideas of selling, buying and advertising and Google should admit its approach is commercial rather that geographically pure.
jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013
A day I will always remember
I will
never forget the day my dogs came back home after being missing for two weeks.
I love
dogs. I have always loved dogs. I already have four of them, but in December
2010, I only had two dogs, Catalina and Emilio (see picture). One evening, I
walked them to the park as usual. That they I took my guitar with me so I could
play some music while my pets would run and play with other dogs. After a
couple of minutes I noticed my dogs were not around anymore. I started looking
for them but I couldn’t find the anywhere. I think they went away following a
pack of dogs.
I searched
for them for days. Every day, everywhere.
At night, I would walk around the neighbourhood
or I would ride my bike trying to find them.
All my
friends were worried and helped me pasting posters on walls and asking for
information on facebook.
After two
weeks of being really depressed, I heard dogs barking outside my house. I
looked through a window and...it was them! They were totally dirty and tired
but they were back.
I will
never forget the happiness I felt when they were home again.
Every time
I feel sad, I remember that moment and a smile comes to me and everything is
fine again.
miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013
A country I would like to visit
A country I would like to visit
I would like to visit India. This idea has been on my mind for many years. I don't know why, but it is an interesting and misterious land for me.
I don't have a lot of information about the country. I have read some articles about its culture and traditions. I have also heard from friends that one can find different aspects of culture depending on the city you visit. Some places are really fancy and mystic while you can see poverty and misery in other parts of the country.
I have seen movies made in India and I love Bollywood movies, specially the dancing scenes. I used to think those parts were funny, but now I know that those songs and dances are the summary of the movie so everybody can understand what happened. That idea opened my mind!
I would like to study there, but I would really like to travel around the country to see all the things I have read about and the things my friends have told me about India.
I would really love to try all kinds of curry because I LOVE curry. I am a vegetarian and I really enjoy eating in Indian restaurants since they always have really delicious vegetarian alternative dishes. It would be agood idea learning to cook such dishes as well.
One of my best friends lives in India now. She says that I would really fall in love with the country and that I could be happy there. I believe her because she knows me very well (we lived together for a couple of months). That's another reason to visit India.
I am also interested in religion. I want to know about its mysticism and the different gods and godesses they have.
However. the most important reason to go to India is to have a picture of me and the Taj Mahal, just like George Harrison (One of my favorite musicians ever).
I would like to visit India. This idea has been on my mind for many years. I don't know why, but it is an interesting and misterious land for me.
I don't have a lot of information about the country. I have read some articles about its culture and traditions. I have also heard from friends that one can find different aspects of culture depending on the city you visit. Some places are really fancy and mystic while you can see poverty and misery in other parts of the country.
I have seen movies made in India and I love Bollywood movies, specially the dancing scenes. I used to think those parts were funny, but now I know that those songs and dances are the summary of the movie so everybody can understand what happened. That idea opened my mind!
I would like to study there, but I would really like to travel around the country to see all the things I have read about and the things my friends have told me about India.
I would really love to try all kinds of curry because I LOVE curry. I am a vegetarian and I really enjoy eating in Indian restaurants since they always have really delicious vegetarian alternative dishes. It would be agood idea learning to cook such dishes as well.
One of my best friends lives in India now. She says that I would really fall in love with the country and that I could be happy there. I believe her because she knows me very well (we lived together for a couple of months). That's another reason to visit India.
I am also interested in religion. I want to know about its mysticism and the different gods and godesses they have.
However. the most important reason to go to India is to have a picture of me and the Taj Mahal, just like George Harrison (One of my favorite musicians ever).
jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013
List of blogs
Hi everyone. Here is the list with your classmates´ blogs so you can have a look at them.
Remember to make comments on three blogs every week.
http://sofielenaherrera. blogspot.com/
Remember to make comments on three blogs every week.
Video 1
Hi everyone!
For those who were not present in the first class, here are the instructions for your first video.
Send it to my e-mail account lucasaraya@gmail.com during this weekend, ok?
For those who were not present in the first class, here are the instructions for your first video.
Send it to my e-mail account lucasaraya@gmail.com during this weekend, ok?
Video 1:
Record a for
2 minute mobile phone video presentation*
about a present you received as a child.
What the
present was,
Who gave it
to you,
Why they
gave it to you,
How you
felt when you received it.
anything else you think is important.
miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013
My ideal job
My ideal job would be a simple but interesting job: painting houses.
I used to paint houses when I was younger, that way I would have money to buy records, go to gigs (tocatas) or simply buy some beer for me and my friends.
I did this during summer because I didn't have to study or do important things. I only needed a day to paint a whole room. I only asked for some water, something to eat and a stereo or a cd player so I could have time to think, listen to music and do some excercise.
I would really like to do this now because I spend too much time in front of a computer or standing in front of lots and lots of people. I need some quietness from time to time. That's why I think that painting houses would be ideal for me, because it is a simple job I could do on my own, just relaxing and doing something nice and important. I would only need to be patient and to concentrate on what I'm doing (mixing colors, spreading the paint on the wall, paying attention to every little detail, and the like).
Finding a job as a house painter wouldn't be really difficult. Making a living as a house painter would be difficult since I have to pay a lot of bills. I think I could get along with it for a while, although it might be hard to buy all the things an english teacher can buy 8you know, electric guitars, expensive cars, etc.).
Another ideal job would be as a tour guide in San Pedro de Atacama. I love the desert and would have the chance of working for a few hours and then just spending time with my sandy friends, the dunes, the mountain and the wind.
Maybe someday I will chance my lifestyle to see what happens.
You never know....
jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

My name is Lucas Araya. I am 32 years old and I am an English instructor.
I studied Linguistics and Literature at the Universidad de Chile and now I am currently working at the university and other institutions.
After I finished highschool in 1999, I lived Australia for a while. I didn't know how to speak English, so I had to learn by practicing everyday, using real language. My model was television shows. I used to watch cartoons and sitcoms. That is how I learned English. Very basic but it worked. I worked as a cleaner in a second-hand-objects shop. They let me take one record/vinyl every week. That's how I started my record collection .
Once I was back in Santiago, in 2006, I started working as an English instructor. I have been doing this for seven years, and every year I have the chance of meeting new and interesting people.
I love music. I really enjoy listening to music, playing music, speaking about music and dreaming about music.
I also love cooking, trying new kinds of food, traveling, riding my bike, reading and movies.
I really love fallafel. It is a chickpea dip. It's very common in the arabic cuisine. I ate falafel for the first time in 2011 and since then, I started a ritual: I have a falafel sándwich everyweek. I am a vegetarian so falafel is Paradise to me.
I think that people can be forever young if they do the things they really love.
I hope we can have a good time in class.
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